4 Introduction to {golem}

The golem (Fay, Guyader, Rochette, et al. 2023) package is a framework for building production-grade shiny applications. Many of the patterns and methodologies described in this book are linked to golem and packages from the golemverse. Of course, all the advice developed in this book will still be valid even if you do not plan to use golem.
We have quickly introduced golem in the last chapter, and we will come back to this package many times in the following chapters. Let’s start with an introduction to this package. Note that the version used at the time of writing this book is 0.4.0.
4.1 What is {golem}
Note: The current version of golem used when writing this book is 0.4.0, and some of the features presented in this book might not be available if you are using an older version, or be a little bit different if you have a newer version. Feel free to browse the package NEWS.
golem is a toolkit for simplifying the creation, development and deployment of a shiny application. It focuses on building applications that will be sent to production, but of course starting with golem from the very beginning is also possible, even recommended: it is easier to start with golem than to refactor your codebase to fit into the framework.
The stable release can be found on CRAN and installed with:
The golem development version can be found on GitHub and installed with:
The version of the package used while writing this book is:
[1] '0.4.0'
The motivation behind golem is that building a proof-of-concept application is easy, but things change when the application becomes larger and more complex, and especially when you need to send that app to production. Until recently there has not been any real framework for building and deploying production-grade shiny apps. This is where golem comes into play: offering shiny developers a toolkit for making a stable, easy-to-maintain, and robust production web application with R. golem has been developed to abstract away the most common engineering tasks (for example, module creation, addition and linking of an external CSS or JavaScript file, etc.), so you can focus on what matters: building the application. Once your application is ready to be deployed, golem guides you through testing and brings tools for deploying to common platforms.
Some things to keep in mind before using golem:
A golem application is contained inside a package. Knowing how to build a package is heavily recommended. The good news is also that everything you know about package development can be applied to golem.
A golem app works better if you are working with
shiny modules
. Knowing how modules work is also recommended but not necessary.
4.2 Understanding {golem}
app structure
A golem application is an R package. Having an R package architecture is perfectly suited for production-ready programs, as we developed in the previous chapter.
Let’s focus on the architecture of the default golem app, and present the role that each file plays and how you can use (or not use) each of them.
You can create a golem project, here called golex
, with RStudio “New project” creation or with command line.
The project will start with this specific architecture:
# Listing the files from the `golex` project using {fs}
├── R
│ ├── app_config.R
│ ├── app_server.R
│ ├── app_ui.R
│ └── run_app.R
├── dev
│ ├── 01_start.R
│ ├── 02_dev.R
│ ├── 03_deploy.R
│ └── run_dev.R
├── inst
│ ├── app
│ │ └── www
│ │ └── favicon.ico
│ └── golem-config.yml
└── man
└── run_app.Rd
If you are familiar with building R packages, this structure will look familiar to you. And for a good reason: a golem app IS a package.
are standard package files (i.e. they are not golem-specific).
, you will add a series of metadata about your package, for example, who wrote the package, what is the package version, what is its goal, who to complain to if things go wrong, and also information about external dependencies, the license, the encoding, and so forth.
file will be filled automatically by the first function you will run in dev/01_start.R
, and by other functions from the dev/
In other words, most of the time you will not interact with it directly, but through wrappers from golem and usethis (Wickham, Bryan, and Barrett 2022) which are listed in the dev
file is the file you will NEVER edit by hand!
It defines how to interact with the rest of the package: what functions to import and from which package and what functions to export, i.e. what functions are available to the user when you do library(golex)
This file will be built when running the documenting process in your R package, i.e. when doing devtools::document()
, or more specifically in our case golem::document_and_reload()
This process will build the man/
files and fill the NAMESPACE
, by scanning the {roxygen}
tags in your .R
If you want to learn more about these files, here are some resources you can refer to:
4.2.2 R/
The R/
folder is the standard folder where you will store all your app functions.
When you start your project with golem, this folder is pre-populated with four .R
files: app_config.R
, app_server.R
, app_ui.R
and run_app.R
During the process of building your application, all the core functionalities of your app will be stored in this R/
directory, which is the standard way to store functions when using the R package framework.
Note that these files are the “core” features of your application itself, and that other .R files also exists.
For example, when you will need to deploy your application on RStudio platforms, golem will create an app.R
at the root of your directory.21
The dev/
folder also contains .R
scripts, and they are inside this folder as they should not live inside the R/
folder: they are utilitarian files used during development, not core functionalities of your application.
Inside these .R
files, contained inside the R/
folder, you will find the content of your modules (the one added with golem::add_modules()
) and the utilitarian/business logic functions, built with golem::add_utils()
and golem::add_fct()
Note also that this folder must not contain any sub-folders.
#' Access files in the current app
#' NOTE: If you manually change your package
#' name in the DESCRIPTION, don't forget to change it here too,
#' and in the config file. For a safer name change mechanism,
#' use the `golem::set_golem_name()` function.
#' @param ... character vectors, specifying subdirectory
#' and file(s) within your package.
#' The default, none, returns the root of the app.
#' @noRd
app_sys <- function(...){
system.file(..., package = "golex")
#' Read App Config
#' @param value Value to retrieve from the config file.
#' @param config GOLEM_CONFIG_ACTIVE value.
#' If unset, R_CONFIG_ACTIVE. If unset, "default".
#' @param use_parent Logical,
#' scan the parent directory for config file.
#' @noRd
get_golem_config <- function(
config = Sys.getenv(
use_parent = TRUE
value = value,
config = config,
# Modify this if your config file is somewhere else:
file = app_sys("golem-config.yml"),
use_parent = use_parent
The app_config.R
file contains internal mechanics for golem, notably for referring to values in the inst/
folder, and to get values from the config file in the inst/
Keep in mind that if ever you need to change the name of your application, you will need to change it inside the DESCRIPTION
, but also inside the app_sys()
To make this process easier, you can use the golem::set_golem_name()
, which will perform both these actions, plus setting the name inside the config file.
#' The application server-side
#' @param input,output,session Internal parameters for {shiny}.
#' @import shiny
#' @noRd
app_server <- function( input, output, session ) {
# Your application server logic
The app_server.R
file contains the function for the server logic.
If you are familiar with the classic “ui.R/server.R” approach, this function can be seen as a replacement for the content of the function you have in your server.R
Building a complex shiny application commonly implies using shiny modules.
If so, you will be adding there a series of callModule()
, the ones you will get on the very bottom of the file created with golem::add_module()
You will also find global elements from your server-logic: top-level reactiveValues()
, connections to databases, setting options, and so forth.
#' The application User-Interface
#' @param request Internal parameter for `{shiny}`.
#' @import shiny
#' @noRd
app_ui <- function(request) {
# Leave this function for adding external resources
# Your application UI logic
This piece of the app_ui.R
is designed to receive the counterpart of what you put in your server.
Everything here is to be put after the # Your application UI logic line.
Just as with their server counterparts, the UI side of these elements are the ones from the bottom of the file you are creating with golem::add_module()
By default, golem uses a fluidPage()
, which is the most commonly used shiny (Chang et al. 2022) template.
If ever you want to use navBarPage()
, this is where you will define it: replace one with the other, and you will be good to go.
You can also define any other template page, for example with an htmlTemplate()
For an example of an application built using an htmlTemplate
, please visit engineering-shiny.org/grayscale/, or engineering-shiny.org/golemhtmltemplate/: both these applications are built on top of an external html template.
If you’re tempted to do that, be aware that fluidPage()
comes with a series of CSS/JS elements, and if you plan on not using a default shiny *Page()
function, you will need to add your own CSS.
#' Add external Resources to the Application
#' This function is internally used to add external
#' resources inside the Shiny application.
#' @import shiny
#' @importFrom golem add_resource_path activate_js
#' @importFrom golem favicon bundle_resources
#' @noRd
golem_add_external_resources <- function(){
'www', app_sys('app/www')
path = app_sys('app/www'),
app_title = 'cloop'
# Add here other external resources
# for example, you can add
# shinyalert::useShinyalert()
The second part of this file contains the golem_add_external_resources()
function, which is used to add, well, external resources.
You may have noticed that this function is to be found above in the file, in the app_ui()
This function is used for linking to external files inside your applications: notably the files you will create with golem::add_css_file()
and friends.
In golem_add_external_resources()
, you can also define a custom resourcesPath
The first line (the one with add_resource_path()
) is the one allowing the inst/app/www
folder to be mounted and be available at www
with your app when you launch it.
That link makes it possible for golem to bundle the CSS and JavaScript files automatically.
The other part of this function, starting with tags$head
, creates a <head>
tag for your application.
This <head>
tag is a pretty standard tag, which is used in HTML to define a series of metadata about your app.
The last part of this function, the one with bundle_resources()
, links all the CSS and JavaScript files contained in inst/app/www
to your application, so you don’t have to link them manually.
And finally, if you want to add other elements to the <head>
of your application (for example, by calling shinyalert::useShinyalert()
or cicerone::use_cicerone()
as in hexmake),22 you can add these calls after the bundle_resources()
Note that as all these elements are inside a tags$head()
, they are to be treated as a list, so separated by commas.
#' Run the Shiny Application
#' @param ... arguments to pass to golem_opts.
#' See `?golem::get_golem_options` for more details.
#' @inheritParams shiny::shinyApp
#' @export
#' @importFrom shiny shinyApp
#' @importFrom golem with_golem_options
run_app <- function(
onStart = NULL,
options = list(),
enableBookmarking = NULL,
uiPattern = "/",
) {
app = shinyApp(
ui = app_ui,
server = app_server,
onStart = onStart,
options = options,
enableBookmarking = enableBookmarking,
uiPattern = uiPattern
golem_opts = list(...)
The run_app()
function is the one that you will use to launch the app.23
The body of this function is wrapped inside with_golem_options()
, which allows you to pass arguments to the run_app()
function, which can be called later on with golem::get_golem_options()
The idea here is that you can pass arguments to this function, and that arguments will be later used inside your application to display a specific version of the application.
Using this with_golem_options()
function simplifies the parameterization of shiny applications, be it during development, when deployed on a server, or when shared as a package.
Here are some examples of what you can pass to your shiny application using this pattern:
run_app(user_country = "france")
andrun_app(user_country = "germany")
to launch the application and show the data for a specific country.run_app(with_mongo = TRUE)
to launch the application with or without a MongoDB back-end (example taken from hexmake).run_app(dataset = iris)
will make the dataset available withgolem::get_golem_options("dataset")
, so your user can launch the function from their package using a dataset they have created/loaded
4.2.3 golem-config
Inside the R/
folder is the app_config.R
This file is designed to handle two things:
is a wrapper aroundsystem.file(package = "golex")
, and allows you to quickly refer to the files inside theinst/
folder. For example,app_sys("x.txt")
points to theinst/x.txt
file inside your package.get_golem_config()
helps you manipulate the config file located atinst/golem-config.yml
Manipulating golem-config.yml
Here is what the default config file looks like:
golem_name: golex
app_prod: no
app_prod: yes
golem_wd: !expr golem::pkg_path()
It is based on the config (Allaire 2020) format, and allows you to define contexts, with values associated with these specific contexts. For example, in the default example:
, anddefault.app_prod
are usable across the whole life of your golem app: while developing, and also when in production. -
might be used for adding elements that are to be used once the app is in production. -
is in adev
config because the only moment you might reliably use this config is while developing your app. Use theapp_sys()
function if you want to rely on the package path once the app is deployed.
These options are globally set with:
# This functions sets all the default options for your project
── Setting {golem} options in `golem-config.yml` ──────
✓ Setting `golem_wd` to /Users/colin/golex
You can change golem working directory with
✓ Setting `golem_name` to golex
✓ Setting `golem_version` to
✓ Setting `app_prod` to FALSE
── Setting {usethis} project as `golem_wd` ────────────
The functions reading the options in this config file are:
# Get the values from the config file
[1] "golex"
[1] "/Users/colin/golex"
[1] ""
You can set these with:
# Get the values in the config file
✓ Setting `golem_name` to this
✓ Setting `golem_version` to 0.0.1
# Get the values from the config file
[1] "this"
[1] "0.0.1"
If you are already familiar with the config package, you can use this file just as any config file.
golem comes with an amend_golem_config()
function to add elements to it.
# Add a key in the default configuration
value = "localhost"
# Add a key in the production configuration
value = "",
config = "production"
In R/app_config.R
, you will find a get_golem_config()
function that allows you to retrieve config from this config file:
# Retrieve the value of `where`
[1] "localhost"
config = "production"
[1] ""
You can also use an environment variable (default config behavior):
Sys.setenv("GOLEM_CONFIG_ACTIVE" = "production")
[1] ""
The good news is that if you don’t want/need to use config, you can safely ignore this file, just leave it where it is: it is used internally by the golem functions.
vs golem_options
There are two ways to configure golem apps:
- The
in therun_app()
function - The
The big difference between these two is that the golem options from run_app()
are meant to be configured during runtime: you will be doing run_app(val = "this")
, whereas the golem-config
is meant to be used in the back-end, and will not be linked to the parameters passed to run_app()
(even if this is technically possible, this is not the main objective).
It is also linked to the GOLEM_CONFIG_ACTIVE
environment variables.
The idea is also that the golem-config.yml
file is shareable across golem projects (golem_opts
are application specific), and will be tracked by version control systems.
For example, let’s imagine we want to deploy the hexmake application on two RStudio Connect instances, but that both need a different MongoDB configuration when it comes to port, db, and collection name. To do that, you can take several approaches:
- Set these values as
parameters, but that means that you have to maintain oneapp.R
for each server to which you will deploy. - Set everything as environment variables, but that means that you have to do it for every server, and that there is no centralized way to keep track of these variables.
- Set the values in
, and then set a value for theGOLEM_CONFIG_ACTIVE
environment variable in the environment in which the app is deployed.
This last solution is a convenient one if you want to easily re-deploy your application on various servers without having to (re)set the values for each environment. Note, though, that it shouldn’t be used to store sensitive data (for example users and passwords).
Here is the config file that would illustrate what we just said (we have removed the other golem-related entries for the sake of clarity):
url: mongo
mongoport: 12345
mongodb: users
mongocollecton: hex
url: mongo
mongoport: 6543
mongodb: users
mongocollecton: hex
url: mongo
mongoport: 9876
mongodb: shiny
mongocollecton: hexmake
mongoport: 3214
mongodb: connect
mongocollecton: app1
Using this configuration file, you can then deploy the very same app on the two servers, and configure what is going to be read by the application by setting an environment variable inside the RStudio Connect interface, as shown in Figure 4.1.

FIGURE 4.1: Setting an environment variable in RStudio Connect.
4.2.4 inst/app/www/
The inst/app/www/
folder contains all files that are made available at application run time.
Any web application has external files that allow it to run.24
For example, shiny and its fluidPage()
function bundles a series of CSS and JavaScript files, notably the Bootstrap
library, or jQuery
. These external files enhance your app: CSS for the design part and JavaScript for the interactive part (more or less).
On top of that, you can add your own files: your own design with CSS, or your own JavaScript content (as we will see in the last chapters of this book).
In order to work, you have to include a link to these files somewhere in the UI.
This is what golem_add_external_resources()
is made for: linking the external resources that you will build with the following functions.
Be aware that these files are available under www/
at application run time, i.e. the www/
folder is available via your browser, not via R when it runs/generates your application.
In other words, you can use the www
prefix in the HTML generated in your UI, which is read by your browser, not from the R/server side.
If you want to link to a file that is read during application generation, you will need to use the app_sys()
function with, for example, includeMarkdown( app_sys("app/www/howto.md") )
We encourage you to add any new external file (e.g. pictures) in the inst/app/www
folder, so that you can later use it in the UI with the common www
Another common pattern would be:
- Adding images in
- Calling
addResourcePath( 'img', system.file('app/img', package = 'golex') )
- Adding elements to your UI with
tags$img(src = "img/name.png")
4.2.5 dev/
The dev/
folder is to be used as a notebook for your development process: you will find here a series of functions that can be used throughout your project.
The content of these files are specific to golem here, but the concept of using a script to store all development steps is not restricted to a shiny application: it could easily be done for any package, and this is something we recommend that you do.
The functions inside these files are the ones used to do some setup, like usethis::use_mit_license()
or usethis::use_vignette("my-analysis")
, and add testing infrastructure, like usethis::use_test("my-function")
or devtools::check()
You will also find functions to populate the application like golem::add_module("my-module")
or golem::add_js_file("my-script")
And finally, there are functions you will need once your application is ready: pkgdown::build_site()
, rhub::check_for_cran()
or golem::add_dockerfile()
We will come back to these files later in this book when we describe in more depth the golem workflow.
4.2.6 man/
The man/
folder includes the package documentation.
It is a common folder automatically filled when you document your app, notably when running the dev/run_dev.R
script and the document_and_reload()
Building documentation for a package is a widely documented subject, and if you want to know more about documentation and how to build it, here are some external links: